No one on earth claims wealth like my brothers and Sisters in Christ. I think we hold the world record for claiming wealth and success in this life and yet, for some reason, we always don’t have money.
The truth of the matter is we never have money but we happen to be the most nourished beings on earth and this is actually what happens.
A Christian will spend 50% of their income helping people. If it’s not a wedding, it’s an orphan or a widow or a sick person in the hospital, Tithe and offering, something is always there to take that money and this explains why Christians are always broke.
People of the world often say that Christians are stingy but Churches are built, orphanages run, they are not stingy, just know 50% of their income is going to be distributed to like 7 other cousins who need help so if your Christian friend doesn’t buy for you fancy gifts it’s because there is an orphan some where they are accounting for.
Some people will counter this ideology saying if Christians truly take care of orphans why do we have kids on the streets? However I want you to take a moment and imagine if Christians stopped giving Tithe and Offering, you will be shocked by how many thieves will visit your house, violence, you will start to hear sexual abuse become rampant and one will wonder how does the offering prevent this from happening?
Well, here is the explanation, I was once hanging around the Independence monument one time and I over heard two young boys planning on which homes to break into that evening and they were consoling themselves, saying, if we break in those 2 homes successfully tonight at least we will have to give the manager something, so we can spend a night in dormitory. the older guy was convening the younger one the younger one looked like he was a 13 year old and was worried where they were going to spend the night.
In that moment I greeted them and then I decided to invite them for overnight at Ancra prayer Mountain Mukono. They first refused but later agreed. we boarded a bus, I paid for their transport 2k each at that time and we went.
We spent the night at the Prayer mountain and we stayed the night there we ate because there were some guys who cooked tea and served bread as well at the Prayer Mountain. we sang and prayed all night, at about 4:00am, we all laid at the shelter and slept we were a group of like 60 people everything was okay.
The boys woke up in the morning and asked me, “can we stay here for now?’ I told them I don’t know but your parents might look for you, they told me “we don’t have parents we survive by stealing. I told them I heard them planning that night to steal and that’s why I invited them to the Prayer Mountain.
The two boys stayed at that Prayer mountain up until they got work to do and eventually left to move into their own single room house and started businesses.
The entire time they stayed at that Prayer mountain, they had free shelter, free food but that shelter they slept in was a donation by a group of people who contributed towards the construction of that shelter, the food they ate was the little offering people who had pressing needs gave as sacrifice some gave as thanks giving, while others gave out their generosity.
Who ever was going to be robbed that night and the night after survived. In turn, God takes care of the Christians’ needs that’s why they are healthy. They may not have the most expensive car but they are still able to reach and transform many people.
Their homes are tinny but they house many people, even those that you can’t imagine. Some people say Pastors have big homes but what people don’t tell you is that their homes are homes to many orphans.
This is exactly why Christians are always broke.