I have worked in the media space for 7 years and there are things I have come to learn from the Celebrities you see and may admire or consider as role models. I have concluded that instead of looking up to someone develop the following characters within yourself and live by them. Don’t Idolize anyone because they are struggling probably more than you can imagine.

Be of great service to people you meet. It doesn’t matter how they sound, how they behave what they say, be of great service to people you meet. And when you can’t serve someone, speak up and tell them I will not be able to serve you and state your reason. However, when you have an opportunity to serve, stand tall and serve with one heart. Such a character can’t be bribed, it can’t be corrupted. Even if you leave, those you served will always remember that you served them.

In the world today few people are actually honest. As a matter of fact honesty is either considered as an excuse if not being stupid. Many times people don’t like honesty. They want you to lie because that’s their reality and they are more comfortable with liars than truthful people. They will avoid you or avoid engaging you because you will be honest. However time comes and they need honest opinions. who do you think they will look for when they need honesty? Expensive things require high maintenance and many people can’t afford it.

You will meet all kinds of people in the marketplace, however, you have to keep in mind that each one of them comes with personal intentions and you have to know everyone’s intentions for being there is to be served better. Each one wants to have the feeling that they are better than the rest. The best way to thrive, is to always check people’s intentions and serve accordingly. It will also help you know whom to give the best service and who to give just enough to get them going. Also, who you can work with and who you can’t work with beyond the professional line.

You have got to have it at the back of your mind that you come from different backgrounds some people don’t know how to respect other people’s boundaries or you might not know how to respect people’s boundaries but I will give examples so that you may know and watch out.
- Carry your own tools e.g. charging cables, pens, books papers, transport, airtime etc.
- Not all parties are for you to attend and if you have to attend, know when to leave.
- No matter the event, your boss is your boss as long as you are within those boundaries.
- Don’t be quick to pick up a slack you have not been assigned.
- Know who your boss is, respect them and be loyal to them.
- Be where you are supposed to be at the right time with the right people, if you are not sure ask.

As you learn and grow, once given a certain task, remember to deliver it to the best of your ability. Look!!! If you don’t know how to, look at how many platforms available to support you get the task done excellently. YouTube and AI all these tools can help you achieve excellence in the tasks you are trying to deliver. Double check your work and ensure accuracy because many people are counting on you to have that task done. When the work is excellent people will love it and If It’s not people will struggle to clean up the messes, hence wasting a lot of time that could be used to do something else. Even if you are doing the work for your colleague.